The Twilight Saga
Bedroom Decorating Ideas
Edward - Bella - Jacob
So, you want to decorate your room like twilight .....
Let your imagination run wild with creative design ideas and decorate your unique twilight themed bedroom with your favorite twilight characters
Edward Cullen Bella Swan Jacob Black
Bella's Bedroom
Inspired by Bella Swan Twilight themed room
Twilight Themed Bedroom Decorating
- Edward - Bella - Jacob -
While feeling somewhat saddened as I come to the realization that those Twilight Saga days are now long gone, but wooooooow, what a huge decorating hit they were, especially with the teens ....
So in honor of those crazy Twilight decorating days, I shall showcase all I have and all I can find to help any newbie Twilight fan create their own Twilight themed bedroom.
It may not be the exact replica as seen in the Twilight movies, but hey, decorating calls for personal creativity and lots of imagination anyway!
Bella Swan Lavender Freesia Floor Pillow
Bella Swan Lavender Freesia Throw Pillow
Bella's Bedroom Twilight themed bedroom decorating ideas
Edwards's Proposal
Edward Bella Wedding
Bella and Edward Twilight inspired
bedroom decorating ideas
Decorating ideas for your
Twilight themed room ...
Create a Bella themed bedroom mixed with a little Edward ...
Purples, blues, grays, and black with a splash of white and yellow in accents. Rustic furniture. Devote a wall to display cds, or add a variety of shelves to hold cd's and a large Bulletin board
There are a few different decorating options to achieve your Twilight inspired bedrooms
Bella Swan bedroom
decorated with a floral Vintage y vibe and natural worn, rustic furniture.
Bella and Edward themed room
decorated with a darker dreamy feel to the room
Edward Vampire bedroom
in red and black color scheme
Jacob wolf bedroom
decorated in a forest / woodsy style
Twilight inspired bedroom
and just go nuts with Twilight merchandise and totally cover your walls with prints and posters, and dress your bed with twilight character bedding and pillows
Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Every Twilight fan has a side
Every Twilight fan has a side
Ombre mountain pine tree forest wallpaper mural etsy
Twilight Forever - Team Edward bedding, blankets, pillows REDBUBBLE
Team Edward - In Black Throw Pillow
It's the fluorescents - Twilight Throw Pillow
Edward Cullen-Twilight Pillow
Round Side table
Edward fan Bedroom
Twilight themed bedroom decorating ideas

Vintage vibe
Twilight inspired themed bedroom decorating ideas
Flightless Bird Throw Pillow society 6 bedding
variety of Plush bedding - faux fur bedding & Pillows
variety of Plush bedding - faux fur bedding & Pillows
Green Forest WALLPAPER MURAL etsy
Meadow Floor Wallpaper
Twilight- Lion and Lamb Comforter redbubble home decor
Paint a feature wall black, let dry, with a towel rub red paint over the black walls.
Black satin bedding. Red velvet drapes. Purple scatter cushions
Black chandelier for lighting. Novelty coffin themed accents.
Hang a few bats in the corner
Have a browse through the Gothic Bedrooms Blog for a few vampire bedroom ideas
Bella and Edward
Twilight inspired bedroom decorating ideas
Dress your bed or display the Edward and Bella blanket on the wall
Coffins Pillow Sham
Love Gone Batty Throw Pillow
Dark Love Throw Pillow
for your twilight themed bedroom. Black for the dark side of Edward. White for their love and red for the vampire side of Edward..
Paint 3 white walls with a red squiggly border (to represent dripping blood) around the top of the walls. 1 Black wall with a large white rose with red edges and drip a little of the red to represent blood
Black furniture - Blood red bedding
Depending on your artistic talent, you could dedicate each wall to a book cover. Either painted freehand or the easier option, supersized pictures of the book covers displayed in bold frames.
Recreate the forests of Forks ...
Bella Swan's Birthday Dress Throw PillowPaint 3 white walls with a red squiggly border (to represent dripping blood) around the top of the walls. 1 Black wall with a large white rose with red edges and drip a little of the red to represent blood
Black furniture - Blood red bedding
Depending on your artistic talent, you could dedicate each wall to a book cover. Either painted freehand or the easier option, supersized pictures of the book covers displayed in bold frames.
Stencil quotes from the books, " And So the Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb" ~ Edward Cullen (Vampire).
Or even easier -
Have a favorite quote from the Twilight Movies .....
turn them into wall decal stickers ....
Recreate the forests of Forks ...
Create a night sky with the moon clouds and glow in the dark stars
1 wall with a forest mural
attach Bella and Edward stand ups so they appear to be standing in the forest
For a 3d effect attach artificial vines and flowers
Werewolf and wolf eyes, wolves posters - wolf decor
Another idea for the Edward and Bella stand ups, place them on either side of your bed, free standing ... or use Edward, Bella, as Life size mural cut outs attached to the wall.
For a 3d effect attach artificial vines and flowers
Werewolf and wolf eyes, wolves posters - wolf decor
Another idea for the Edward and Bella stand ups, place them on either side of your bed, free standing ... or use Edward, Bella, as Life size mural cut outs attached to the wall.
Twilight movie poster drawing white Throw Pillow
Cullen Crest Throw Pillow
Red apple Bella Throw Pillow
Cullen Crest Throw Pillow
Red apple Bella Throw Pillow
Twilight bedroom decor
Attach the wolf standees to the wall and use as a headboard.
Attach to the wall mural or just have them freestanding in your room
Attach to the wall mural or just have them freestanding in your room
Jacob bedroom ideas
Wolf themed - outdoorsy style in the forest or black and white wolf themed
See the moon come to life in your own room with brilliant moonlight and authentic detail.
Activate it with the included remote control and see a different lunar phase each time you touch the button. Or choose the automatic function and watch the moon shift though all the lunar phases on its own.
Look outside each night to see what type of moon it is, then, match your moon to the one out in the night sky!
Twilight Jacob
wolf themed bedroom decorating ideas
Coastal Forest in Fog Wall Mural at Magic murals
wolf wall decals etsy
Twilight Movie Bella Dreamcatcher - variety ETSY
Stained Glass Victorian Crystal Lace Table Lamp home depot
Moonlight Wolf Standees - no longer available
Use the wolf cutouts to create a mystical scene in your Jacob themed bedroom.
Twilight Jacob wolf themed bedroom decorating ideas
Howling Wolf Wall Hanging - variety at Society 6 home decor
Jacob Black Life Size Twilight wall decal
search around etsy - plenty of stores that do custom orders
Howling Wolf Wall Decal - variety of sizes and colors
variety of
Plush bedding - faux fur bedding
barnwood furniture variety
Frame and display prints or posters of Jacob and the wolf pack.
Twilight Saga Posters
barnwood furniture variety
Frame and display prints or posters of Jacob and the wolf pack.
Twilight Saga Posters
World of Vampires and Werewolves in Washington
This listing is for a bouquet in the style of the Twilight Saga.
The Twilight Saga paper flower bouquet LiteraryBouquets etsy
The Twilight Saga paper flower bouquet LiteraryBouquets etsy
Love flowers but hate when they die? Do you love books? Do you want to immortalize your favorite book forever?
If so, then here is the perfect gift for you, your favorite book turned into a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Sweet Scents of Twilight
"One lifetime is not enough." Bella's intoxicating strawberry shampoo inspired this handmade soy wax candle.
Bella Swan candle
"The lion fell in love with the lamb..." Edward Cullen is a character that defined a generation. Everyone we knew were twihards (and still are). This candle has the same alluring scent that we imagine Edward himself would have.
Edward Cullen candle
Team Jacob? It was always a tragedy to me that Jacob didn't get the girl.
These candles are hand crafted with specially designed scents to help bring those characters, that make us swoon, to life
Jacob Black candle
Bella Swan candle
"The lion fell in love with the lamb..." Edward Cullen is a character that defined a generation. Everyone we knew were twihards (and still are). This candle has the same alluring scent that we imagine Edward himself would have.
Edward Cullen candle
Team Jacob? It was always a tragedy to me that Jacob didn't get the girl.
These candles are hand crafted with specially designed scents to help bring those characters, that make us swoon, to life
Jacob Black candle
also visit
Halloween decorating ideas
Halloween decorating ideas blog
Bibliophile - Home Library - book themed decor - decorating blog

copyrighted work by Maries Manor Kids Theme Bedrooms